Monday, 30 April 2012

Week 3

I stopped counting how many days it's been...but I believe this is the start of Week 3 of my 'healthy living'.  Once the treats were allowed back in it was tough.  It is still tough.  I know I've made some better choices but still need to get a big grip on the snacking when I'm not hungry and the type of snacks I pick.  That being said, I didn't do as badly as I thought I did this past week.  I am now only going to weigh myself once a week.  Ack!  So this morning was my weigh in.  I was up a little but again...I thought I'd be back at the beginning.  So I needed to find some incentive this morning to help me get back on track.  So I came up with 2 things.  I pulled out a pair of jeans that didn't fit me 3 weeks ago when I started.  I was able to do them up AND still I'm wearing them today.  So I'm technically down a size.  Do they look super amazing on me?  Absolutely no.  But a long t-shirt covers what isn't attractive and I will work on making them fit me better.  Right?
The 2nd thing to help me get on track is to start running again.  I've been talking with a friend about it and we even thought Monday's might be good.  So although I don't want to.  I'd rather sit in front of the TV and eat....  I am going to run with my friend tonight.  Ack!  I'm a bit nervous to run...but there is also the added nervous because I'm pretty sure she is going to run laps around me.  But I am swallowing my pride and going to try it anyway.  Plus we are going to a track.  So if I'm slowing her down she can run ahead without feeling badly. 
So things are going alright.  Could be better...but I was doing a helluva lot worse 3 weeks ago.  So baby steps for me!


  1. Yay! Sorry I missed this post. Great work!!! You are inspiring me!!!

  2. Baby steps still get you where you are going!
    Have helped me when I read your post.
    Thanks for your honesty

